Jami Goldman

Jami Goldman an American athlete, author of the book Up and running: The Jami Goldman story. Jamie also appears in a commercial made for Adidas, she might also be spotted in a movie called A.I. by Steven Spielberg.

February, 1988, nineteen year old, Jami Goldman was returning from a ski trip in northern Arizona with a friend by car when they were trapped in a snowstorm for 11 days. Jami suffered severe frost bite on her toes, ears, fingers and nose, and while the girls were eventually rescued, Jami had to have both legs amputated below the knee. Like many people who lose a limb, Goldman refused to give up on herself. Self-pity is not in her character. She learned to use artificial legs, and while she was adjusting, she earned a BA in child development in 1996 from California State at Long Beach.

In April 2002 she married a longtime friend, Beau Marseilles, who became, in her words, "the love of my life." She now signs her name Jami Goldman-Marseilles.

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